Hello again,
Thank you for taking the time to know a little more about me.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry from Gordon College and am working on obtaining my Master of Divinity from Denver Seminary. Before going back to school and seminary, I worked in the business world primarily in sales and training. My ministry background consists of Youth Ministry, Addiction Ministry, Safety Ministry and Leadership. I am passionate about Ministry in New England Ministry, Relational Ministry, Intergenerational Ministry, Ministry to those who have never been to church, and making Ministry practical.
My hope, as the Pastor at Winthrop Baptist Church, is that we become a diverse and intergenerational church. I have a loving fiancée named Marissa, who is the one thing that keeps me together outside my faith in Jesus Christ.
I have various interests that mostly involve food. I love a good cup of tea or coffee. I enjoy checking out restaurants. I love trying new foods, but if I had to pick the food I love the most, it would be barbecue, the smoked meat kind, not the grill kind. I am also a lover of puns. Sometimes, you might say it can be punbearable.
If you are reading this, I would love to know you. Please send me an email or call me, and let’s schedule a time to get some food or coffee.
Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to meeting you.
Sean Collins