First-time attendees may have all sorts of questions about what to expect from a Sunday worship service at Winthrop Baptist Church. Let’s try to answer some of them!
Am I welcome?
Yes. Everyone is welcome.
Are you sure? *insert reasons here.*
See the answer above. EVERYONE is welcome at the Winthrop Baptist Church. Everyone means everyone. We believe that God is a welcoming and loving god. As written in Romans 15:7 “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Do I need to dress up?
Wear whatever makes you comfortable! You’ll see parishioners (and even the pastor) dressed in everything from jeans and polo shirts to their Sunday finest. Be you!
Can I just sit in the back and watch? Do I have to do anything?
Do whatever makes you happy! If sitting in the back, observing, and sneaking out the back is your style – ok! We’re happy you’re here! Church should be accessible to everyone! Feel free to join us at any level you’re comfortable.
What’s Communion Sunday?
Communion Sunday is a lot like a normal Sunday. We hold our worship services like always but end service with Communion of bread and grape juice. Communion is based upon Christ’s final meal with his apostles. Our deacons will pass bread, a symbol of Christ’s body, and grape juice, a symbol of Christ’s blood. We do this in memory of the sacrifice Jesus made for all humankind. It is a remembrance of Christ’s love and our salvation.
Can I participate in Communion?
We believe that Communion is available to all those who wish to receive it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been to a Baptist church (or any church) before, and it doesn’t matter your background. We’re not gatekeepers of Communion. Christ invites you to receive Communion. It is a gift given to us all, and you’re welcome to receive it.
What is the offering used for?
Every Sunday, a deacon will pass the offering plate. Gifts received go towards the church’s mission of community service. On Communion Sundays, a special offering is taken that is designated towards a specific mission, organization, or need in the greater community.
I don’t have cash, but I want to give.
We get it! We’re living in a pretty cashless society. If you wish to give, we accept checks or you can make an offering here.
Am I required to give?
Nope. Not at all.
I have kids. Can they come?
We LOVE kids! Kids are always welcome. Don’t be surprised if Pastor Sean invites your children to help him ring the church bell prior to service or if a deacon invites them to the front for a special Children’s Message.
Is there Sunday School?
Winthrop Baptist Church is in a phase of growth. Right now, we offer a Children’s Message during service and we hope to soon be able to offer Christian education as well.
Pastor Sean seems cool. Is he?
He sure thinks so. All kidding aside, we love Sean and are all big supporters of him.